Andrea James


My Boing Boing posts

As some of you know, I guest blog at Boing Boing now and then. It’s one of my all-time favorite sites, so it’s a delight and honor to contribute occasionally. That’s why I haven’t been posting here much of late.

You can check out all my archived Boing Boing posts here.

I’ll post some pix of me in awesome BoingBoingWear sometime very soon!

Happy 16th birthday, laser hair removal

Did you know that in April 1995 the first laser hair removal device was cleared for use by FDA? At this point we have a pretty good sense of the efficacy. It works best on people with light colored skin and dark colored hair, and most consumers see a permanent reduction in hair between 1/3 and 2/3. Some people get more and some less, but that’s the general range. For best results, I recommend having it done by an experienced physician.

This laser hair removal patient guide is pretty good, and my site below lists several others.

For more, you can find a laser hair removal practitioner online or visit, where I have an overview of laser hair removal.

Bamby Salcedo and Jane Fonda, Stoney Awards honorees


Johanna Saavedra, Bamby Salcedo, Calpernia Addams, Jane Fonda, and Andrea James attend Stonewall Democratic club presents: The 2011 Stoney Awards at Universal Sheraton on April 10, 2011 in Universal City, California. Bamby and Jane were both honored.






Who Writes Wikipedia?

| The Takeaway | WNYC Studios

January 14, 2011

The collaborative online encyclopedia site, Wikipedia, celebrates its 10-year anniversary on Saturday. It’s the largest encyclopedia ever made, with three and a half million articles in English alone and seventeen million articles globally. To create and edit all of that information, the site relies on volunteers. They call themselves  “Wikipedians.” Andrea James, a Wikipedian, shares her story and what motivates her to contribute to the site.

You can test how well you “wiki” by taking our quiz about public radio. Answer the questions as best you can using Wikipedia. We’ll announce results on the air.

Produced by Andrea Swalec
John Hockenberry

150 Reasons to Have Pride in 2010




Meanwhile, Calpernia Addams, of Transamerican Love Story fame, has the indie film A Woman’s Picture due out this year and is producing music videos and other projects with business partner Andrea James. Addams adds that transgender actresses have been in Hollywood for years, such as Bond girl Caroline Cossey and Aleshia Brevard, who appeared alongside Don Knotts and Dean Martin. “We all stand on the shoulders of the people who came before us,” Addams says.

Read the rest

24th BFI London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, 17-31 March 2010


// 12 February 2010

If you’re in London between 17-31 March and find yourself with time to spare, the 24th BFI London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival may be worth checking out.

For me, the Wotever Shorts session – “a selection of sexy, funny, gender-fluid films with a DIY aesthetic” – looks most promising, and Trans Love, which includes Transproofed (starring Calpernia Adams and Andrea James) may also be worth a look.


Adweek: Facebook Begins Testing Advanced Crowd-Sourced Content Moderation


By Eric Eldon 



In an effort to better remove inappropriate content, Facebook is testing out what it calls Facebook Community Council, according to new Council member and Boing Boing guest poster Andrea James. Like the name suggests, this app gives users the ability to evaluate content for various types of offensiveness, or as James quote the group’s motto: “To harness the power and intelligence of Facebook users to support us in keeping Facebook a trusted and vibrant community.”

Read the rest

Transproofed now streaming on Amazon

Via Calpernia Addams:

Good news! “Transproofed” (Plus the Next! Music Video, Featurette & Commentary), our short comedy about two trans women and how they deal with stealth and dating, is now available to watch streaming online or to download to your Tivo, starting at $1.99! Check it out:

"Transproofed" video on demand

transproofed_4_streamingOur short film “Transproofed” is available for viewing on demand starting at $1.99. Check it out!

Transproofed (Plus Next! Music Video, Featurette & Commentary!)

L'Lihdra from Sugar Shock



Friend/fan Michael says I look like L’Lihdra from the Sugar Shock comic. I do like her style! If MySpace weren’t such a complete piece of crap site, I’d provide the direct link to the free comic book online. You can find it in most search engines.