Andrea James

Film and media news

Actress Felicity Huffman discusses her new movie, "Transamerica"

Actress Felicity Huffman discusses her new movie, "Transamerica"

Thanks to Felicity Huffman for the shout-out on the Today show during her interview with Matt Lauer!    

Huffman and Macy Display Talents in 'Transamerica'

Huffman and Macy Display Talents in 'Transamerica'

  May 16, 2005 TERRY GROSS Husband and wife actors Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy have collaborated on the new offbeat feature Transamerica. Macy is the executive producer on the project, which features Huffman as a male-to-female transsexual who…

Film Focus: Transamerica

Film Focus: Transamerica

Manoush Zomorodi May 3rd 2005 Thanks to Duncan Tucker for the shout-out in this video interview! Read the rest

Our favorite housewife

Our favorite housewife

REBECCA TRAISTER APR 23, 2005 What kind of research did you do? Well, the first thing I did when I talked to Duncan was I told him how excited I was and then proceeded to [try to] talk him out…

Transgender Vagina Monologues is a go!

Transgender Vagina Monologues is a go!

  We just got back from finalizing plans to do an all-transgender benefit performance of The Vagina Monologues in LA in February 2014, as part of V-Day!