Above: Calpernia Addams’ typical response to advice and wisdom of Andrea James? Eye-rolling disdain. Lots of Transamerican Love Story commentary from familiar names, and a couple of new voices: • Fort Lauderdale Tea: Season 2, Episode 8 • TLS Take…
Transamerican Love Story news/blog roundup, 26 March
I learned several important things from episode six of Transamerican Love Story. First and foremost, I learned that I make this face a lot: I’m going to work on eliminating that tic from here out. I also learned that Calpernia…
Now back to our regular programming
We had a couple of technological hiccups this week, but I believe everything is all stabilized now. Thanks for your patience, and watch for backdated entries shortly.
Filler post for a busy Monday

From 2008 miscellany Because I made a vow to post something every day, here’s a picture of my cats side by side. Believe it or not, they were about the same size until a couple of years ago. The little…
Transamerican Love Story episode guide
Above: Calpernia meeting Jim’s parents in Episode 6. Logo has just published an episode guide for Transamerican Love Story: • Transamerican Love Story episode guide on Logo Includes summaries and airtimes. Be sure to join the Andrea James Facebook group…
Birthday party extraordinaire
Photo by John Ganun at http://www.guestar.biz Saturday I went to a birthday party for my pal Dave, and I have to say it had the best live entertainment I have seen at a club in years. The cool thing was…
Transamerican Love Story news/blog roundup, 21 March
Above: AJ shows off her weathered antique box to the boys. Two vlogs and Calpernia herself weigh in on Transamerican Love Story: Calpernia’s entry: • Transamerican Love Story – Episode 05 Thoughts (calpernia @ calpernia.com) And two vlogs I somehow…
NWSA conference presentation scheduled
National Women’s Studies Association conference has announced my presentation time for their 2008 conference: Event info: Name: National Women’s Studies Association conference Host: Andrea James Type: Education – Lecture Time and Place: Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008 Time: 3:45pm –…
Jukebox Stories: The Case of the Creamy Foam
My pal Prince, the lead in the short film Laundromat in which I appear, has a new show in LA: If in the past I’ve brought any joy into your life at all, will you please do me a favor?…
Shelter opens near you in upcoming weeks
My producer pal JD has a great film called Shelter coming out in limited release nationwide. It’s a surfing movie and a coming out movie. I have never mentioned it, but I am obsessed with surfing and could watch people…