Andrea James

New York Times piece on hair removal

New York Times piece on hair removal

I’m quoted in today’s New York Times about hair removal for teenagers. Skin Deep: Zapping Teenage Torment Anna Jane Grossman June 5, 2008 Laser hair removal, some say, should be a last resort. “I suggest kids first try bleaching, waxing…

Gimme Sugar premiere

Tonight I rolled out to the premiere party for Gimme Sugar, a new reality show on Logo. Hot chicks at a bar… what’s not to love?? Series premieres June 9 at 10 pm Eastern on Logo. — Join the Andrea…

‘The Sensei’ red carpet video

Last month I went to the premiere of The Sensei. The director has just released a video of the premiere, which was a really uplifting event. Be sure to check out the film at Newfest and Frameline this month. •…

'The Sensei' red carpet video

Last month I went to the premiere of The Sensei. The director has just released a video of the premiere, which was a really uplifting event. Be sure to check out the film at Newfest and Frameline this month. •…

LA Pride parade, Sunday June 8 @ 11am

Logo is sponsoring a Transamerican Love Story car in the LA Pride parade. Scheduled to ride are star Calpernia Addams, host Alec Mapa, FTM suitor Jim Howley, and yours truly. The 2008 parade will take place Sunday, June 8, starting…

Transamerican Love Story now on Netflix

Transamerican Love Story now on Netflix

Exciting news!! You will now be able to see more of me whenever you want! Netflix members: Click here to visit the exclusive Logo section and rent Transamerican Love Story Season One now! Not a member? Click here to see…

Trans-Health Conference wrap-up

Trans-Health Conference wrap-up

I just got back from the Trans-Health Conference in Philadelphia, and what an uplifting experience! Because I deal so much with the nasty negative people who want to crush our children’s spirits, it was just amazing to see so many…

Pic of the Day: Parking lights

Pic of the Day: Parking lights

A shot I snapped in a parking structure in LA. From 2008 miscellany — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Another sunset

Pic of the Day: Another sunset

Whenever possible, I go out at sunset to get a photo. Here’s another typical LA sunset with palm trees and phone lines. From 2008 miscellany — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Skyward sunset

Pic of the Day: Skyward sunset

A shot I snapped from the plane on the way to the Trans-Health Conference in Philadelphia. From 2008 miscellany — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace