Andrea James

Pic of the day: lovely patio

Pic of the day: lovely patio

Snapped in Eagle Rock this week. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace

Outfest board soiree

Outfest board soiree

Last night I hosted my first official Outfest event, and it was delightful. Great turnout, and some people I have not met before, including my board advisor Beth. Another board member whom I have not met yet couldn’t come because…

Ephemeral yellow roses

My yellow roses went crazy this weekend, and I missed most of it because I was out of town. Alas. Here’s a shot from before I left. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on…

Pic of the Day: Flowering tree

Some floral enjoyment while I am away. This was a flowering tree with these purple flowers that seemed to absorb the light. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Giant weird bee

I mentioned a giant weird bee I tried to snap. The pictures don’t give you the scale, but it was as big around as a quarter. Very odd. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me…

Pic of the Day: Sunset roses

You can always tell when I am out of town because you’ll get a series of garden photos while I am away. This was a bunch of lovely roses as the sun was setting in Beverly Hills. Back soon! —…

Off to Ohio

I’m heading out to Cincinnati to present a paper. Yeah, I know – fun times! I have some nostalgia for Cincy – the first gay bar I ever went to was there. Skyline Chili has more vegetarian options (which they…

Garden butterfly #2

Garden butterfly #2

From Garden photos I was trying to get a picture of this really weird giant bee and this lovely creature showed up. I’ll post the giant bee later. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me…

Workin’ it with Team TYFA

A few shots of me with team TYFA in Philadelphia. Photos courtesy Ms. Lisa Claudette Gilinger, Esq. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace

Workin' it with Team TYFA

A few shots of me with team TYFA in Philadelphia. Photos courtesy Ms. Lisa Claudette Gilinger, Esq. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group <a href="" title=” Add me on MySpace