Andrea James

Happy birthday Grandpa!

Happy birthday Grandpa!

My grandfather turned 98 this week. Amazing, both of them! — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Eastern Building (night)

Same building as last post, taken later that night. Part of my series on LA taken from cars. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Facebook’s new design

I have minced no words on how much I dislike the atrocious MySpace interface, so I was even more delighted to see the recently-unveiled Facebook update, which is very clean and elegant in its design. MySpace=Microsoft, Facebook=Apple. Boycott bad design!…

My new YouTube channel

That’s right. I finally succumbed to peer pressure. As you can see, I already have an award – a 94th place ribbon! w00t! Please feel free to subscribe and to friend me. I will add regular stuff on a…

Out in Hollywood interview

Greg Hernandez over at Out in Hollywood has written up our pleasant chat from the red carpet of the GLAAD Media Awards. We discussed the refreshing change of attitude of the dating show, and the Thomas Beattie coverage. Full post:…

A quick chat with Calpernia Addams and Andrea James of “Transamerica Love Story”

A quick chat with Calpernia Addams and Andrea James of “Transamerica Love Story”

July 29, 2008 by Greg Hernandez.   As for Andrea, I had met her just a few weeks earlier when my blogger pal Kenneth Walsh (Kennethinthe212) invited some friends to meet at The Abbey when he was in LA. I…

A couple of Calpernia commentaries

A couple of Calpernia commentaries

Calpernia has been superbusy lately with appearances and events and writing music and writing commentary. Here are a couple of highlights: * Let Them Eat Cake (via Psychology Today) * Enough is Enough: Project Runway winner Christian Siriano’s ubiquitous catchphrase…

More Outfest shout-outs

More Outfest shout-outs

Lydia Marcus at fotonomous has some great shots from Outfest. She and I have very similar sensibilities as photographers, because I took several similar photos during the fest. * Outfest 2008 via fotonomous — Join the Andrea James Facebook group…

Pic of the day: Searchlight

Pic of the day: Searchlight

From Outfest 2008 A long exposure shot of a searchlight in downtown Hollywood. Taken from the Ford Amphitheatre during Outfest. I need to start carrying a tripod to stabilize these. — Join the Andrea James Facebook group