Andrea James

Pic of the Day: 9 out of 10

Pic of the Day: 9 out of 10

From 2008 miscellany Let’s see, ad for a filming location, smog, freeway, graffiti, power lines, cell phone tower disguised as fake palm tree… 9 out of 10 on my LA scale. Part of my series on LA taken from cars.…

Pic of the Day: Variegated leaves

I liked the fractal-like patterns in these leaves. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Getty sunset 1

I raced around as the light faded at the Getty Center and got a few interesting shots. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Getty garden flowers 2

One of the thousands of lovely flowers in the Getty Center gardens. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Getty Center sculpture

The Getty Center has a lovely new sculpture garden. We got there at the perfect time in terms of light. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Getty garden flowers 1

I snapped this one after the sun was just out of the gardens, which allowed all the subtleties in the white petals to show through. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Getty Center ocean vista

Pic of the Day: Getty Center ocean vista

I went to the Getty Center yesterday with a pal, and we shot some lovely stuff. I’ll post one a day over the next week or so. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Messing with daytime flash settings

Pic of the Day: Messing with daytime flash settings

From Garden photos I have been trying some new things with flash use during the day, to make the background fall off a bit and give some depth of field. This was taken in broad daylight in my garden, to…

Pic of the Day: Iridescent beetle

Pic of the Day: Iridescent beetle

From Garden photos From Garden photos I found this amazing iridescent green beetle in my garden today. I couldn’t get any shots that captured how brilliant the shell was. It looked like a flying jewel. Update: Regular reader Michael correctly…

My first two impressions of Twitter

Over capacity. Technically wrong. Worthless. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace