Andrea James

Outfest Legacy Awards, September 24th in LA

Today is my first day on the Board of Directors for Outfest, and as my first official duty, I want to invite all of you to join me at the Outfest Legacy Awards on September 24th. It’s hosted by the…

Anybody in LA need a refrigerator?

Anybody in LA need a refrigerator?

One of the folks who have helped us with a ton of our Deep Stealth projects has a great fridge she needs to get rid of. Here are the details: Pass this on to anyone who might be interested!…

My iPhoto crapped out again

My iPhoto crapped out again

My iPhoto died for the second time the other day and lost a bunch of data (but not images). I am going to backdate a few entries once I rig up a better option. Sorry about being MIA. — Andrea…

Pics of the Day: Engraved corporate letterhead samples

Pics of the Day: Engraved corporate letterhead samples

The other day I had a chance to go to a fantastic engraver here in LA, and they had a book of early 20th century engraved corporate letterhead with many beautifully crafted designs. It’s becoming a lost art these days,…

Pic of the Day: Parking spot

Pic of the Day: Parking spot

From 2008 miscellany OK, this is a bit of a cheat since the car was not moving at the time, and I leaned out the passenger window to snap it, but it’s part of my series on LA taken from…

Pic of the Day: Cream and Gold

Pic of the Day: Cream and Gold

From 2008 miscellany Some lovely flowers that someone (who shall remain nameless) said looked like little girls in white dresses who had peed themselves. Nice. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Mid-day skyline

Pic of the Day: Mid-day skyline

From 2008 miscellany A view from East LA. Part of my series on LA taken from cars. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Unwilling model

Pic of the Day: Unwilling model

From 2008 miscellany My slightly touched cat leaves her tongue sticking out a lot. This is screaming to be made into a lolcat. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Exotic flower

Pic of the Day: Exotic flower

From 2008 miscellany Spotted on an afternoon stroll in LA. A prize to whoever knows what this is. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace

Pic of the Day: Night Light

Pic of the Day: Night Light

From 2008 miscellany Part of my series on LA take from cars. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace