Taken at the Getty Center in August. Loved the fractal pattern in the center. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace
Pic of the Day: Self-portrait
Looking through old pics. Taken at the Getty Center in August. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace
Americana at Brand
We had our Outfest Board of Directors retreat this weekend at The Americana at Brand. I am not really a mall kinda chick, but I have to say this was a very lovely experience, nicer and more convenient to Hollywood…
Outfest is auctioning a Randolph Duke fashion consultation
If you live in LA and would like some additional fabulosity in your life, Outfest is offering a great chance to update your look! Randolph Duke Fashion Consultation in Your Own Home As many of you know, Randolph Duke is…
Deep Stealth Productions 6th anniversary
From Deep Stealth Productions: On October 3, 2002, Deep Stealth Productions opened for business with the release of the instructional video ‘Finding Your Female Voice.’ Since then we have created dozens of videos and other materials for the transgender community.…
Trans for Obama update: $13,000 and a month to go!
Since Trans for Obama blog day on Monday, the transgender community has made ourselves heard! First we doubled the total donors. Then we cracked 200. Then we shattered the goal I set of 250. Now we are closing in on…
Pic of the Day: Mirrorball 2
Loved the colors in this shot. Taken Monday at the Angels of Change benefit. — Andrea James Facebook group Andrea James YouTube channel Andrea James on MySpace
Angels of Change benefit for trans youth
Last night was a great fundraiser for the trans youth program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (details below). You can see my full set of shots here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreajames/sets/72157607614042781/ More info on Angels of Change: http://sites.google.com/site/angelsofchange/press-release This event organized by the…
Trans for Obama initiative: over 100 donors in one day!
http://www.actblue.com/page/trans Click now to support Obama! Thanks to all who spread the word about Monday’s Trans for Obama Day! Over 100 new donations came in yesterday, nearly doubling the total (WOW!), but it’s not too late to add your voice.…
Trans for Obama day blog update!
Wow, so far so good! As Trans for Obama blog day gets underway we already have some great entries: – Caprice Bellefleur – Kate Bornstein – Helen Boyd – Lena Dahlstrom – Annie Rushden – Dr. Jillian T. Weiss Be…